Distillers Notes

It has been a crazy few weeks since we launched Trevethan Gin fully and the response from everyone has been amazing. If you've bought a bottle please let us know what you think. I thought I would provide a bit of insight into the batches we have released so far and something about how we are developing.

Batches 1, 2, 4, and 5 have been released to a small number of online sellers now and the tasting feedback has been really positive. They are all very small batch production runs, less 100L at present even though we have capacity for 300L in Doris. We've been making sure we scale up the Trevethan recipe very gradually so at each stage we create the same flavours and textures within our spirit. I personally have a preference for Batch 5 at the moment as it was just such a smooth run, everything went like clockwork and I think the spirit was the closest to our development batches in all our key areas, taste, texture and fragrance.

The major flavour across all the batches is Juniper. Our recipe was developed back in the 1920's so is naturally very traditional and we don't want to lose that. It hits you on the nose as soon as you open the bottle but doesn't over power when in the glass. It's backed up nicely by Cassia and Angelica which help with the balancing.

 We have had to add a couple of additional botanicals to the mix as we moved from development size to full production. The main addition has been Vanilla. Vanilla helps us to create the oily and smooth mouth feel with the hint of sweetness that we achieved with just Gorse Flower in the very small batches. I'm happy with the extra note in there and it actually seems to compliment the Gorse Flower.

The citrus flavours are hiding in there as well and you can bring them to the fore with different accompaniments. Orange works really well, lemon for the more traditional G&T, I have even heard a slice of fresh Ginger helps to emphasise the Elderflower (although I haven't tried that myself yet but it's definitely on the list).

We can't forget Cardamon of course, it does linger just at the end of a mouthful and really adds to the fragrance. It also stands up to a good strong Tonic so it doesn't take over the drink. 

I do urge all of our Ginnoiseurs to try Trevethan straight as a sipping Gin with perhaps a small fruit segment or some cloves. It is very smooth on the palette and you can pick up some of the lesser botanical notes this way.

Please send us your thoughts and drink suggestions as well. As we've said all along Trevethan is meant to be shared and we're just glad we can share it with you all from now on.


Hard work leads to small triumphs


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